
Showing posts from December, 2021

1 month post op

I swear I’m the slowest loser!  15.5 pounds in the first month….I definitely thought I would be down 20-25 in the first month!  I have to step up the water and the exercise I’m guessing. But when I think about dieting in the past, I’ve never lost 15.5 pounds in a month so there’s that! I’ve had no caffeine in a month! I have been playing with decaf coffee. Thinking I’d just prefer tea. That’s been the biggest taste variance I think I’ve had.  Trying harder to get my protein grams and fluid ounces in each day. Takes me about an hour to get all my vitamins in because they make me full and nauseated.  Trying to actually eat some foods. And working. Oh and making sure I take a crap every day or two!  It really is a lot of work. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 I have had more energy. I am sleeping better most nights. I am getting some chill spin rides in each week but still not enough exercise for sure.  Not a ton to report for the final week of the month! 

Post-op week 3

This week has been a little rough!  I was able to start phase 3 of food, soft foods.  I ate a little Thanksgiving foods which was nice to be able to join in with the family. But for the most part, I have stuck with phase 2 foods-protein shakes and yogurt and soups. For the soups, I have not strained them so have gotten some meat and veggies in those. I feel like I add protein powder to EVERYTHING!  I add it to the soup, to my yogurt, my applesauce. I am actually indulging in some applesauce right now without added protein and I feel guilty.  I am supposed to be at 60-80 grams of protein per day and 64 ounces of liquids. I typically hit about 50 of each most days. It’s hard. Sometimes I just want to eat and satisfy my mouth but my body says nope!   I added in my vitamins this week and a few extra I take on my own for prevention. I swear it takes me literally all morning to get the pills in.  I also started coming back into the office for work this week. That’s been rough. I haven’t slep